Our platform helps supporters connect, organize, persuade friends to join the cause, and stay safe from potential threats. Our team comprises of top makers and thinkers from both the hacker and progressive political worlds to deliver the best solution for your community. Join Impakt now and take the first step towards empowering your grassroots movement.
Tracy is a small town teacher. She is planning on joining an upcoming nationwide teachers' strike but she fears that her community would not support her. She wishes she had better resources to defend her decision in her community and convince others to support the strike.
Using Impakt, Tracy had the news and press releases from her union, and reached out to many of her friends. She had relevant information for parents of school-age kids, other public-sector workers and so on. The sharing process was easy and personalised. And best of all - Impakt did not collect any data! Tracy had complete control over the whole process.
Jenny is a young progressive in a small town. She's shy and fears going to a meeting in a nearby city with politically motivated strangers. But she would like to find a way to help a political cause.
When Jenny downloaded her favorite cause's Impakt, she met others like her thanks to the local chat, including several people in her home town. They got together and started brainstorming about what they could do locally. Jenny also used the contact nearest coordinator button to get in touch with organizers and got some logistics help from Matt, the regional coordinator for her area.
Greg works on a construction site. He knows that there are many intermediaries between the laborers and the site owner and each of them get a large cut of the money. He thinks the workers could get a fair shake by forming a co-op to be employed directly. But the frequent rotation of workers from site to site makes it difficult to gather numbers.
Greg decided to set up an instance of Impakt, so that construction workers in the entire country could self-organise regardless of what site they currently work at. They could coordinate events, vote and raise money. As an admin, Greg can also send alerts to anyone in an area for spontaneous gatherings.
Maryam is an organiser in an embattled trade union, engaged in heated negotiations. She often needs to make decisions in a matter of hours, but quite often she would like to be able to get input from the union members.
Pete works with Greg at the construction site, and he thinks Greg has a lot of great ideas. But he has a family to feed and doesn't want to make waves with the bosses. He's afraid to openly support a union. He was relieved when Greg explained to him that Impakt has domain fronting - that is, the network operator can't see that you're connecting to it.
Barbara lives in a country with mid-level surveillance capabilities and has concerns about rapidly diminishing civil liberties. She would like to get people involved in direct action, but has concerns about repercussions.
She decided to use Impakt to coordinate, because the app is stateless - if anyone's phone gets seized the app will not show what they have been doing in it. She also likes the fact that all chats are ephemeral - the contents dissapear after a short time. No personal data is being collected by the Impakt server. On any Impakt screen, one can trace two circles to activate a panic alert and notify other members of the movement that they need help. This is the only time that the Impakt app uses a device's location.